string expression

英 [strɪŋ ɪkˈspreʃn] 美 [strɪŋ ɪkˈspreʃn]

网络  字串运算式; 字符串表达式; 文字列式



  1. Click the canvas, and then connect the string expression to the log expression by right-clicking the text expression, selecting Add-Link, and then clicking the Print to log utility.
  2. Click the canvas, and connect the string expression to the log expression.
  3. The current year was then worked out by constructing a Date object, formatted as a string, and then a regular expression was used to parse out the year.
  4. Search settings include choosing case sensitivity, scope, and whether or not to interpret the search string as a regular expression or as a literal string.
  5. If there is no space character in the container name after the database partition expression, it is assumed that the rest of the string is part of the expression.
  6. To use an XPath expression within parameters that expect a static string, dynamic XPath expression invocation can be done by wrapping the expression within braces ( { and}).
  7. Source: The input string the regular expression is matched against.
  8. You can search for strings in vi using the/ command, specifying the pattern to match either as a literal string or as a regular expression.
  9. The^ weather string is a regular expression that, if it matches any text typed into the IRC channel, invokes the action handler.
  10. In this example, two types of user property are shown: a static string, and an XPath expression that takes its value from the inbound message.
  11. Remember that the AST classes aren't visible outside of this package at all and that clients will ( eventually) simply pass in a String representation of the expression they want evaluated.
  12. To avoid duplicating that process, XPath provides a method called compile(), which simply takes your string XPath expression as its only argument.
  13. You just use a normal Java String and give it your XPath expression to evaluate.
  14. There is also a group of String methods that accept a regular expression as an argument to find or modify a string.
  15. The value for the OrderDate is set by calling the Bind expression and passing to it the name of the column in the GridView's associated data source and an optional data format string expression.
  16. A valid string expression that specifies a member name.
  17. A string conversion evaluates the contained expression list and converts the resulting object into a string according to rules specific to its type.
  18. Returns the number of characters, rather than the number of bytes, of the given string expression, excluding trailing blanks
  19. Returns a set containing a single member based on a string expression containing a member name.
  20. In the find what text box, enter the string or expression that you want to find.
  21. To cause the search engine to interpret your search string as a regular expression, select the use check box under find options and choose regular expression.
  22. Returns or sets the string expression containing a descriptive string associated with an object
  23. Returns a value of a string expression evaluated over another specified cube.
  24. Set the ServerFilter property to a string expression consisting of a WHERE clause without the WHERE keyword.
  25. If a number is used in a string concatenation expression, for example, the number is converted to a string first.
  26. The method of calculating the value of character string expression
  27. A detecting engine based on deep packet inspection that supports the string matching and regular expression matching is designed.
  28. Among the many implementations of string matching, regular expression is used widely because of its rich expressive power, easy to use and good expansibility.
  29. Port matching, string matching and regular expression matching have been used to process the packet stream, which can improve the accuracy. ( 2) Port matching in Protocol Identification often includes discrete ports and port range.